Have you noticed how often the "urgent" dictates our day? It may be a call from a church member or family member, the ever-mounting pile of laundry, visits to the sick or elderly, the to-do list we have made, school needs, or keeping up with FB and emails. These seemingly urgent needs often keep us from what is important.
Urgent needs are those that seem to require immediate attention. I emphasize the word "appears" because that is not always true. When we feel something requires our immediate attention, we tend to let other things fall by the wayside... the important things.
For example, it is important for me to spend more time in God's Word, but making certain visits today seems urgent. I can read later. It is Important for me to have more quiet time with my Lord in prayer and meditation, but getting shopping done early seems urgent. I need to spend some time with my husband but there are "urgent" needs at the church.
The urgent things are not wrong or sinful, but they can keep us from the important matters of life that effect our relationship to Christ and our husbands and children. Relationships are more important than activities! We cannot correctly serve God if we have not time to be with Him.
Resisting the urgent to take care of the important is not easy, but it is extremely rewarding. I have found when I make time for the important matters, God helps me to take care of the urgent ones in His time and His way.
Take time today to consider what is truly important in your life and take care of those matters first.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33